Research and Development (R&D)

The National Institute of Sowa Rigpa (Previously National Research Institute of Sowa Rigpa), Leh has been conducting various Research and development (R&D) projects on Sowa Rigpa and Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (MAP). The following are some major projects.

Fundamental Research
  • Tribal Health care Research programme under Tribal Sub Plan (TSP).
  • Revitalization of Local Heath Tradition to secure sustainable health security in Leh district.
  • Survey, cataloguing, digitalized inventory of Sowa-Rigpa manuscript.
  • Compilation and Documentation of Classical Sowa-Rigpa formulations.
  • Traditional Knowledge Digital Library (TKDL).
  • Promotion of Sowa Rigpa under Public Health Initiative Project.
Research on Medicinal Plant
  • Pictorial guide of commonly use Medicinal Plants of Sowa Rigpa and Ayurveda.
  • Cultivation Studies of some Endangered and commercially viable Medicinal plants of Trans Himalayan and Production of quality germplasm.
  • Conservation status, germplasm collection and resource augmentation of priority medicinal plant species in the cold desert of Ladakh.
  • Development of Agro-techniques of High Altitude endangered medicinal plants of Trans Himalayas.
  • Gene bank maintenance of Medicinal and Aromatic plants.